I’m hoping most of you didn’t notice it and that you’ve not been waiting impatiently, but I failed completely to get the mitred blanket pattern and tutorial series up during February.

Two things contributed: 1) February was far busier than I expected and FabulousFunFebruary  did it’s job and kept me busy and distracted. 2) I got intimidated.

I have put up a video or two on YouTube, but that was a long while ago and anything I learned about how to edit videos and how to post them to YouTube was pushed out of my head. I’ve learned a lot since starting to publish my designs and I only have a certain amount of working memory for all these tasks. Use it or lose it, right?

The pattern and the tutorials are coming though. I’ve got a lot done on the prep work side of things, and today I’m going to swatch a new colourwork design while watching some tutorials on iMovie. I’m hoping that a few of those are all I need to break through the intimidation barrier and get me ready to muck about.

I had fun letting my email list of insiders pick the name. The winner: Rainbow Windows Blanket.

Coming soon - the Rainbow Windows blanket pattern for a join-as-you-go mitred square blanket pattern

Confession Time
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