Episode 106: what is time

Please note that Ravelry links will be identified as such

Patterns and KAL

  • Indie Design Giftalong is back! (Rav link) Gift-A-Long’s a multi-designer promo to help you kick your fibre-craft holiday gift-making into high gear!
  • ImagiKnitting KAL 2021 – it’s coming! Basic vibe of the KAL: stop dreaming, start knitting! Make a project that’s been on your mind or use a yarn you’ve been dreaming of. Very loosey-goosey. More details next episode, but feel free to start planning for your December 25 cast on.
    • Prize donations sought
    • As usual, people will be eligible for prizes on both Rav and Instagram, and we’re working on a way for FOs to be tracked on Instagram, too, for those who can’t use Rav anymore
  • Tric (Rav link) or Radialiactive (Rav link)

Destination Achieved 



  • Xmas knitting secrets – finished but that’s not helpful is it?

Are We There Yet?



Imaginary Knitting


On the Horizon


On the Knitted Path


Off the Knitted Path 

Board games


Episode 106: what is time