Episode 114: Down with Shoulds

Katie: Super Ginger (David’s Tea)
Sarah: CTRL ALT Delete (Pluck Tea)
What’s New in Life?
- Paska – an example, not one of our recipes, but not too far from ours either
Patterns and KAL
- Link to Instagram Live with Lisa
- Socks of Green Gables collection
- Instagram Live mini podcast episodes: First Sat of the month, 1:00 pm Central: next one Ap 3rd
Destination Achieved
- Radialactive (Rav link)
- Socks for Rainer (Rav link) –
Are We There Yet?
- Altheda (Rav link)
- Socks for Rainer 2/7 (Rav link)
- Socks for Me! (Rav link)
- Crossroads Mittens (Rav link)
On the Horizon
- Raiun (Rav link)
On the Knitted Path
- blog Rora114 Knits, project links will go there
- Will be seriously limiting the time I spend on Rav, so if you want to interact with me, come to my blog or IG, or tag me in a Rav post
- The Complete Sweater Sessions with Kim McBrien Evans at Seattle Yarns
- Leo & Roxy Quarterly Sock Club
Off the Knitted Path
- Machine by Elizabeth Bear – second novel in the White Space series
Episode 114: Down with Shoulds