Episode 120: You’re Welcome, Word Nerds

Please note that Ravelry links will be identified as such
National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada
‘Spirits of our ancestor’: Shoal Lake 40 is rectifying a century of hardships
Dozens of Canada’s First Nations lack drinking water: ‘Unacceptable in a country so rich’
Katie: Chocolatey Chai PC
Sarah: Sweet Wild Orange Tazo
Patterns and KAL
- Instagram Live mini episodes: First Sat of the month, 1:00 pm Central: next one July 3
- #FallCardiKAL June 21-Sept 22
- link to page for the KAL
- WIPs allowed, kids/baby cardis
Destination Achieved
Are We There Yet?
- Indicator by Stephanie Lotven/Tellybean Knits, from Knit Happy with Self-Striping Yarn. Made with GingerSnap yarn in Be a Freaking Unicorn
- Raiun (Rav link)
- Black Cat Cowl (Rav link)
- Birthday Socks (Rav link) for Tias
Imaginary Knitting
- Otra Sweater (Rav link)
On the Horizon
- Raiun (Rav link)
Off the Knitted Path
- Loki
- Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited
Board games
Episode 120: You’re Welcome, Word Nerds