Episode 149: Scowl the Internet

Please note that Ravelry links will be identified as such
Katie: Cha Cha Blue Chai from Harrisons
Sarah: Ginger Peach
Patterns, KALs & Announcements
- MKAL 10! Choose Your Gnome Adventure
- TipTopKAL22 – June 1 to September 30
- WIPS and baby stuff allowed – human torsos – want to encourage a flurry of FOs
- Fall Shawl Sale – “NeedCozyOptions” to get 31% off that week’s pattern
Are We There Yet?
- Nordatee (Rav link)
- September gnome – Adventure gnome (Rav link)
- Wee Apple Trees,(Rav link)
- Fab Five Cowl (Rav link)
- Litmus Cowl (Rav link)
On the Horizon
- Fingerless mitts –
- White and rainbow Confetti Cake yarn from Cloud 9 Fibreworks
- galaxy-like skein from Fireweed Fibre Co’s Star Trek sock club called A Time to Stand.
- Confidette?
On the Knitted Path
- Moths!! How do people protect the knits they wear frequently from moths?
Episode 149: Scowl the Internet