Episode 59: Gnome Lifestyle

- Dream pattern, dream yarn, dream technique…Stop dreaming and start making!
- If it makes you happy, it qualifies. We talk a lot about Imaginary Knitting on the podcast, but sometimes it’s great to have a little push to take you from dreaming to doing. Here’s that push!
- KAL runs Dec 26- March 31. Projects must be cast on and finished in that time period to qualify to enter to win one of the Grand Prizes. Chatter prizes as usual!
- One entry/project per participant.
Destination Achieved
- Postcards from California – weaving in ends now
- G’Night Cap – Tassled and gifted. Photos coming soon!
Are We There Yet?
Patterns and KALs
- Go Big or Go Gnome!
- Mitts – On knitty! 5 sizes
- Hat – on Ravelry, 4 sizes from baby to large
- Sweater – coming in the new year
- Indie Design Giftalong
- Gnome Pun Intended
- More gnarled, more gnomish! Goes live Thursday! 50% off with code “GnomeParty” until midnight, Sunday, Dec 16th
- mentioned Stitch Mastery charting software
Board games
Episode 59: Gnome Lifestyle