Winding Party

Winding Party

Do you ever throw a winding party? Grab a collection of yarn, settle in with your favourite video podcast, and get the colours flying on your swift? So, so satisfying. These three beauties are part of a collaboration with Hilori’s…


My life is all about charting these days. I’ve finally bought StitchMastery as a program. Before I had bought the knitting font from them and was painstakingly making the charts in tables. StitchMastery is, in contrast, worlds faster and easier.…

Design Resources

Has all this talk of designing made your brain feel itchy with ideas but you’re not quite sure how to go about it? These three resources have proven really, really helpful to me in the past year since I started…

plotting and prepping

I’ve got a little spring fever. I can’t seem to settle down on one plan.   I’ve been winding yarn. Plastering stitch dictionaries with sticky notes. Winding more yarn. Digging out another stitch dictionary. I don’t know what is coming…