Soccer knitting

Coaching meeting pre-game :) Being married to the head coach really changes the vibe… I have had very little time to knit this fall.  3 practices a week, and 2 games on weekends, sometimes with considerable travel time.  But the…

swatching thoughts

For years I‘ve noticed that designers often say that they don’t mind swatching, that they love it, that it is in fact one of the most playful and creative things they do. Now that I both design and knit, I’ve noticed…

baby knits

In today’s world, a hipster monkey needs proper attire in which to stare pensively out the window on a rainy day. The organic, free range coffee he loves best is gone. Sad monkey stares into the clouds. Knit in a…

sitting down

Today I took my runners off after my 10k run and just sat on the front step. I was sheltered from the wind. The sun was warming and generous. Leaves rustled on the trees that hadn’t yet shed their colours.…

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m grateful that a year that began with such difficulties and burnout is flourishing with creativity, community, and laughter. I’m thankful for the people that hug me.  It’s a small group, but it encompasses all of the very most important…