It’s a great time of year to be a maker. Cooking, knitting, card-making…if you love to cuddle into the late-fall/early autumn world and create, oh, what a season! My family has a long tradition of giving handmade gifts, and the energy and feeling of concocting fantastic secrets in the next few weeks makes this one of my favourite times of year.

To make this time of year even better, there’s the Indie Designer Giftalong. What is that? Hundreds of knitting and crochet designers getting together to make gift knitting season into an outright party! There’s a weeklong sale, and a 6 week make-along.

Ravelry Group (aka ‘the party’) is here. The sale starts tomorrow at 8pm and runs until midnight on Nov 30. Starting tomorrow, they’ll roll out the Pinterest boards and Ravelry bundles to make searching for the right pattern for your crafting needs easier (not to mention giving us an unbelievable set of creative eye candy). After all, there are 335 designers offering patterns, and it’s fantastic that they’ve got such great ways to browse and search the list of sale patterns.

I’m really excited to be taking part as a designer this year. You can see my bundle of sale patterns here. It’s such a fun group with so much energy. I had a ball as a knitter last year, so I can’t wait to ramp it up this year!

One of my favourite things about the GAL is that to enter the prize draws you just have to make any pattern you’ve bought from a participating designer. It doesn’t matter how long you have had it in your library.

Oh, and don’t forget about the 3 Steps to Fantastic Handmade Gifts worksheet that I put out last year! It’s a paper version of the process our family goes through to match our craft skills with recipients so we’ll make gifts they really want.

Giftalong 2016 stats


Indie Designer Giftalong 2016
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