Patterns and KAL
ImagiknittingKAL20 chatter prizes from February:
Pattern from KinoKnits
Pattern from HeyBrownBerry
WoollyWormhead pattern
Lisa Ross (PaperDaisy) pattern
MKAL #3: Gnemo! Aka “Gnome is Where the You Hang Your Hat”
Destination Achieved
OMG Heel socks, spacious version: White Birch Fiber Arts, The Full Monty
Sockhead Slouch hat, Full Monty leftovers plus Dames at Sea leftovers from LMFA
Are We There Yet?
Make a Wish – wish the pattern mentioned that the repeated lace sections wouldn’t line up!
Space Weather Shawl – Test Knit for Handpokedgirl knits. Using mis-matched yarn I’d originally ordered for Postcards from California
On the Horizon
Another sample for Ash/Sunflower Knit
On the Knitted Path
New 2 month period.
Didn’t finish DK project yet, but will keep working on it
Next target category: Bulky so I can have a quick win (or two!)
Stitches West!
Gnome meetup!
Didn’t buy any yarn. Technically: Stitches Yarn.
Lisa’s my personal shopper: Lisa Yarn
Off the Knitted Path