Bullet Journalling seems like a simple idea, so simple it hardly deserves to be a rabid success and international phenomenon. But the truth is that it really is powerful and – above all – completely the tool you need it to be.

writing a quote from Winnie the Pooh in my bullet journal

This article on How to use a BuJo for better mental health is incredible. It uses the tool to bring such clarity to the idea of paying attention to what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, what changes your moods or your eating habits, etc. As someone who loves finding ways to be a happier, healthier, more confident self, I found this absolutely riveting and there are some really helpful ideas in here.

Not sure what I’m talking about in terms of bullet journalling?

Bullet Journalling for health
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One thought on “Bullet Journalling for health

  • Wow! Thank you for sharing this page!! I find so many things on Buzzfeed to be just clickbait, and often ignore it when it pops up on my feed. But this is awesome! Coming up on a year of Bullet Journaling (your blog’s mention of it intrigued me last year) and it has been such a healthy thing for my personal organization, and my ever-present feeling that I don’t accomplish a damn thing ever (simply not true, as the BuJo evidence is there).

    This definitely helps me to take it to the next level!

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