inspired by Danie from One Twisted Tree ~ Stained Glass sock yarn blanket

PrairieGirlDanie made me do it.

Have you fallen for the lure of small projects, repetitive projects? If you have, you’ve probably fallen for them more than once!

Here’s my latest. A blanket – a human-adult-snuggling-on-the-couch kind of blanket – on fairly small needles using pretty thin yarn. But it’s the pretty that matters, right. Because this is lovely to look at.

I’m a sock knitter. Or should I say Sock Knitter? I’ve got a lot of leftovers since neither my husband nor I like tall socks. I also have the wee balls of yarn left from my dyeing experiments this summer.

Bold black frames. Wee quadrants of random colour. No seaming at the end.  I think the chance of success (measured over a year or two) is good. I’ll keep you posted.

The lure of small, repetitive projects
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2 thoughts on “The lure of small, repetitive projects

  • I’m making a blanket as well. The last two days have been quiet hectic around here and I was happy, that I had the blanket to work on, since it requires minimal brain capacity.

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